Quyntess Blog

Do you trust your supply chain into the hands of a subcontractor?

Written by Rob van Ipenburg | Oct 1, 2023 6:59:24 PM

I wanted to see with my own eyes how one of our customers manages to run 600 pallets per DAY through a subcontractor operation for repacking customer critical orders with a buffer of less than 1 hour. 

The elegant harmony of B2B Integration

It was one of these occasions where all pieces of the puzzle come together in an elegant harmony of low-tech high-touch handling, automated labeling & scanning, B2B integration, planning & scheduling, finished goods and raw material inventory control.

The Supply Chain “ Hub”

All orchestrated by a collaborative supply chain “Hub” as the customer calls it, which controls: planning, execution, triggers exception alerts and provides transparency to all parties involved. This collobarative supply chain is actually a cloud solution with SCM Apps.

Next level of Supply Chain thinking

The clock speed and volume combined with absence of buffers is clearly “next level” thinking. Impressive to experience how the subcontractor manages to deliver these results with near-zero down time in such a demanding environment!

Our team of Supply Chain Collaboration experts had a good track record managing companies with a substantial number of contract manufacturers. Respect for the supply chain engineers of our client that took the leap of faith in collaboration technology from the Cloud and proud of our team for making this elegant harmony a reality.